Public Voting Now Opened
It only takes a minute of your time to reward your favourite dentist.
Nomination for “I Love my Dentist” Awards is easy. Fill in the information below and click on submit.
Read the Terms & Conditions carefully before voting:
The winners will be announced at the
I Love my Dentists MENA Awards Ceremony
at the
Digital and Aesthetic Dental Conference Gala Dinner
15 November 2024, Madinat Jumeirah, DUBAI
Organized by: CAPPmea
Terms & Conditions
The I LOVE MY DENTIST Awards is created to reward the great dentists’ work and recognize their exceptional individuals and skills.
Online Voting can only be cast by users with a valid email address. SMS Voting can only be accepted when send to +971 55 371 0138 including name of the Doctor, clinic name and email address of the voter. The awards will be given away for the dentist with the highest numbers of vote. Duplicate Nomination will not be considered in the vote. The Award 2024 is celebrated in the MENA region but is open to participants from all over the world. CAPP reserves the rights to disclose your email only to our sponsor participating in the project (upon request). CAPP reserves the right to replace the prize for some reason become unavailable. CAPP reserves the right to alter, amend, or foreclose this competition without prior notice.
End of Nominations 15 October 2024